Our promise is to be the best ancestors that we can be, to be able to look in the eyes of the next generations and know we did everything we could to leave them a world we are proud of.
We are a coalition of actionists shaping the future, learning, influencing, building momentum and implementing solutions that accelerate the transition to a regenerative future.
Annual Gathering
Each year [y]our annual gathering focuses on a futures-relevant topic to raise awareness, share knowledge and drive change on a relevant on a unique aspect of our world today. We shape visionary narratives, define pathways and outline actions we can all take today towards positive, pragmatic and plausible futures.
[y]our 2025 theme is tomorrow envisioned
“Powerful, insightful, hopeful. I am grateful [y]our 2040 had the courage to bring together a diverse group of actors. This kind of collaboration gives me hope that we will create a sustainable way of living for our children. The time to act is now.”
Tina Dreimann, Impact Investor
“Never before have I been in a group with such a common language, shared purpose and strong empathy. The connections made, contacts and conversations were richer, faster, and more fruitful because of this commonality. Yet, the participants were extremely diverse in their world view and background. I encourage others to join the community and create greater impact.”
Cynthia Hansen, Managing Director
“Connecting with people who have the capacity to drive impact and participating in a a network devoted to solving problems related to achieving sustainable development goals is hugely valuable. I sense that this network can be the seed that gets planted and will grow into something remarkable.”
Greg Demchak, Digital Innovator
“Your 2040 is what the world needs right now; ambitious, big-thinkers that are not-afraid, we all are slightly rebellious eco-warriors that want to leave the world a better place.”
Britt Berden, Art Director
“[Y]our2040 offers a space to speak openly to people across various disciplines. We talked, we listened, we reflected, then we looked around the room and were confident we would also act. Trust within this community, trust to use what we have created, this is the value of [y]our2040.”
Carolyn Aubrey, Change Consultant
“A perfectly crafted event choreography spoke to all our senses, from the brain to the heart. It provided insights from luminaries, ample brainstorming and ideation time, group work, the highs and lows of self-organization exercises, a bustling networking environment, new friendships, many emotional moments.”
Christian Simm, International Relations
“I spent an immensely rewarding few days with people I would have never met under any other circumstances and knowing these people now will enrich my life for years to come. Supporting a boundary-crossing conference where business and activism meets to create a viable future is needed.”
Jens Garrelfs, Strategy Advisor
“[y]our2040 helps me deliver my personal mission, encouraging me to get up every morning, push the change I want to see and never stop transforming the world into a better place.”
Alice Baumann, Transformer
About [Y]our 2040
We believe the power of convening, collaborating and community. [Y]our 2040 is a community-based think-tank, network, and movement focused on instilling a belief in a future which is positive, pragmatic, and regenerative; a future that is worth working towards. Focused on place-based storytelling, we host gatherings, share knowledge, consult, research and advocate for a better tomorrow.