Envision. Create. Implement
[Y]our Future!



to become the best ancestors we can be

Our promise is to be the best ancestors that we can be, to be able to look in the eyes of the next generations and know we did everything we could to leave them a world we are proud of.


To be a world-renowned community-based think-do tank

We are a coalition of actionists shaping the future, learning, influencing, building momentum and implementing solutions that accelerate the transition to a regenerative future.


Annual Gathering


Each year [y]our annual gathering focuses on a futures-relevant topic to raise awareness, share knowledge and drive change on a relevant on a unique aspect of our world today. We shape visionary narratives, define pathways and outline actions we can all take today towards positive, pragmatic and plausible futures.

[y]our 2025 theme is tomorrow envisioned

Voices of [y]our community

About [Y]our 2040

Convene, Connect, Collaborate

We believe the power of convening, collaborating and community. [Y]our 2040 is a community-based think-tank, network, and movement focused on instilling a belief in a future which is positive, pragmatic, and regenerative; a future that is worth working towards. Focused on place-based storytelling, we host gatherings, share knowledge, consult, research and advocate for a better tomorrow.

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Sponsors + Partners are key for [y]our success

Join us. Be part of a community driving change globally. We welcome any company, community or person who shares our vision to join us.